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from Wood's Holl [[Hole]], was assisted by two or more of the persons mentioned above, Mr. Sanderson Smith, and Mr. Peter Parker, being constant members of the steamer party. Ensign R. H. Miner, U.S.N., of the Albatross, was associated with Mr. Parker, in the care of the fishes.

The active work of exploration was begun by the Albatross immediately after leaving Washington, and many important results were obtained before she reached Wood's Holl [[Hole]], the latter part of July. Scarcely any time was lost during the entire summer, from unfavorable weather or other causes, and her cruising continued until the very last of October, thus covering a continuous period of fully three months. The area explored extended from the southern edge of George's Bank to the latitude of Cape Hatteras, N.C., and into a depth of water of 25-74 fathoms, at a point more than 

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