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Second Opens Tomorrow - Congregations Large

The Christian Crusade being conducted at the College Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, West Somerville, by the pastor, the Rev. Lynn J. Radcliffe, will enter the second week with the services tomorrow. Unusually fine congregations have attended the services of the opening week. Last night a service of the cross was held at which the pastor preached on "Preventing Calvary."

"Radio Religion" will be the theme of the sermon for the crusade service tomorrow evening. The Rev. D. E. Evans has won a large place in the affections of the people by his outstanding ability as a leader and interpreter of music. He will direct the crusade chorus and the congregation in a great gospel song service. At the morning service at 10:30, the pastor's message to the members and friends of the church will be "Launching Out." At noon the men of the Lacount class will assemble in the chapel and then go to the West Somerville Baptist Church for a union service with the Brown class. The following Sunday, Jan. 26, a great mass meeting for the men will be held in the College Avenue Church auditorium at 3:30 with the Brown class and others uniting with the Lacount class in the service.

Interchurch night will be held on Tuesday with delegations attending from several churches and with their pastors present on the platform to take part in the service. "When We Forget God" will be the subject of the message of the evening. A unique crusaders' service will be held on Wednesday with the children crusaders present in their colorful costumes to take the vows of knighthood and lead the congregation in a service of consecration The pastor will preach on "When Knighthood Was in Flower."

On Thursday a service for women only will be held in the auditorium and for men in Murdock hall. "The Heart of a Woman" will be the theme of the pastor's sermon in the auditorium. The Rev. George A. Butters, the associate pastor, will address the men on the subject of "Labels." Special music will address the men on the subject of "Labels." Special music will be furnished by the men and the women at each service. A crusade parade is being arranged for Friday with the children crusaders, representatives of the church school and organized groups of men and women participating. The procession will march through the neighboring streets and finally enter the church for the closing week night service. The pastor will preach on "Marching to Zion." The climax of the crusade will come on JAn. 26, which will be the closing Sunday.


Rev. W. C. Bell to Speak in Jamaica Plain Church

The first graduate agricultural missionary to go from the United States to a foreign land, the Rev. William C. Bell, speaks tomorrow evening at the 

Forum Speaker
Prof. Sidney B. Fay of Harvard University, who will address Old South Meting House Forum at 3:15 tomorrow on "The Young Plan and Present Outlook in Germany."


Will Discuss Germany and the Young Plan Tomorrow

Prof. Sidney B. Fay, formerly of the department of European history, Smith College, but now of Harvard, will speak at the Old South Meeting House Forum tomorrow afternoon on "The Young Plan and the Present Outlook in Germany." He is remembered for his research and writing on "The Origins of the World War" and is fresh from further study in the war countries, of causes and effects of the conflict which shook the world.

Born in Washington, Prof. Fay is a graduate of Harvard, from which he carries a Ph.D. He has also studied at the University of Paris and at the University of Berlin. Before going to Smith, he was professor of history at Dartmouth. In the Old South course he will take the place of the speaker previously announced for next Sunday on the subject of India, who has cancelled.

The concert will be supplied by Miss Gertrude Tingley contralto. Richard W. Hale, treasurer of the Old South Association, will preside. The hour of the meeting, which is entirely free, is 3:15.


Dr. Stidger Chooses Topic of PRe-Tercentennial Sermon

Dr. W. L. Stidger in his pre-tercentennial sermon series on the great preachers of Boston will speak tomorrow morning on "Father Taylor, Sailor Preacher," who [[text cut off]] preached in the famous [[text cut off]]

Transcription Notes:
Guidelines say to transcribe entire document, not just the part pertaining to the subject