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accident just after Thanksgiving and had to have several stitches taken and was cut very near the jugular vein and bled terribly. Was taken to the hospital and there had to lay abed for about three weeks, but now seems to be getting along although has several scars yet. Mr. Dix is about the same although he didnt look as well to me. They have had a pretty tough time with Mr. Dix sick so long. Carlton is in Conn. and has three children. I had a letter from Miss Kelley and Alice Kimball and they wished to be remembered to you. Hope Dot likes the picture enclosed. We thought it real cute and though it would please her. Does she talk much yet? Hope to get a letter from you tomorrow although dont know as I deserve one. Aletta called Sunday P.M. and had just finished seven weeks work in the hospital. Was planning to rest a while and then go back again. When will you get your vacation this year and how will you spend it. The boys both finish school in June and I hope find something to do not too far from home. Love to all Ralph