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[[blank form]]

Stoughton Trust Company

[[blank line]]
[[blank line]]

Stoughton, [[blank line]] 192[[blank space]]

All deposits are accepted for collection only and credited subject to final cash payment and are handled at risk of depositor.  Credit is given conditionally, this bank reserving right to charge back to depositor all unpaid items or returns therefor which are unpaid, although item itself is not returned.  Items on this bank not found good at close of buiness on day of deposit will be charged to depositor.  This bank will use diligence in selecting responsible collecting agents but will not be responsible for their acts or ommissions, negligent or otherwise, or for loss of items in the mail.  Right is reserved to forward items for collection or payment either through circuituous route of banks or direct to drawee bank.

Please list each check separately
[[3 column table]]
CURRENCY | Dollars | Cents
SILVER | [[blank field]] | [[blank field]]
GOLD | [[blank field]] | [[blank field ]]
CHECKS AS FOLLOWS: | [[blank field]] | [[blank field]]
[[blank field]] | [[blank field]]|[[blank field]]
[[blank field]] | [[blank field]]|[[blank field]]
[[blank field]] | [[blank field]]|[[blank field]]
[[blank field]] | [[blank field]]|[[blank field]]
[[blank field]] | [[blank field]]|[[blank field]]
[[blank field]] | [[blank field]]|[[blank field]]
[[blank field]] | [[blank field]]|[[blank field]]
[[blank field]] | [[blank field]]|[[blank field]]
[[blank field]] | [[blank field]]|[[blank field]]
[[blank field]] | [[blank field]]|[[blank field]]
B22 TOTAL | [[blank field]]| [[blank field]]
See That All Checks And Drafts are Endorsed