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heard from us about the wedding but I thot I had written you. I believe you have one of the Stoughton papers regularly, do you not? If so you will probably see an account of it as I gave each of them a clipping sent us by Mrs Baker about it. We had quite a fall of snow the day before we went down but it had cleared off and the driving was all right but later it melted some and then froze and when we came home Wednesday the roads were quite slippery and we had to drive rather carefully and not too fast-- we scidded once quite a bit but didnt run into any body- The wedding at the church was very pretty and Ralph and Henry looked good standing facing us and waiting the approach of the rest of the party- the bride et cetera.
Dont believe Id make much of a reporter of such events but if you dont have the paper let me know and I will send you one. I sold the big Birch the boys had yesterday to a fellow who bought it to make