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Norwich Union
Fire Insurance Society, Ltd.

Hart Darlington, Manager         

Head Office,
75 Maiden Lane, New York.


Dear Sidney,

Will write you a letter and mail it when I go down to put on the light at the office so that if it doesn't get lost in the Christmas rush you will get it on Tuesday. Ralph came home for his Christmas vacation Thursday night and Henry finished school Friday. We all went to church this morning and heard Mr. Groce who was the pastor here about 35 years ago. Henry wanted to have the usual Christmas tree so we got one of Edgar Beale and this noon he and I put it in place and he trimmed it with some decorations and balls that we used last year and it looks very pretty. I received a card from the Geographic Society yesterday stating that you had renewed our subscription for this year. Please accept our thanks and I know we will enjoy the articles and the pictures. Our early snow is all gone and this last