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George Monk, President
M.F. Powers, Vice-President
Ralph S. Blake, Clerk and Treas.

Stoughton Co-operative Bank
Meetings second Saturday of each month
9 Freeman Street
Stoughton, Mass.,

May 10, 1927.

Dear Sidney,-
Time to send out the Bank checks again in two or three days but I'll start yours today and it will be all right to deposit Saturday or later, being dated the 14th. Don't hold it or lose it. Ma is coming back gradually although not very strong but surprised us Sunday morning (Mothers Day) by calling up an asking if she could go to Church with us. I was almost afraid to take her but she went and got along all right and says she got the general idea of the sermon. Pa gets along fairly well if he will only let the watches alone. Ralph came home Saturday night with two boys from college. They "bummed" a ride by auto and went back Sunday night. Am looking forward to seeing you soon. Do you want me to meet any train Sunday? Hoping you are both feeling good and most ready for your California trip. Hope Chippy is also on good behavior
Your brother,