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Will be there in Union Station Thursday P.M. at 6.30 if we arrive on time.

Arlington, Va.
30 Aug. 1942.

Dear Sid:

I can imagine you today down on the Maryland peninsula digging in the sands. I hope that you have had a good weekend and as cool and brisk a day as we are having here. It cleared from the northeasty mistiness of the past 2 days to a sparkling day.

I have just sat down at 3 P.M. to rest myself. Yesterday I started painting the windows in the afternoon, altho' the putty was still rather soft. I painted till suppertime, and then as we were sitting down at the kitchen table, - I had varnished the dining room floor in the forenoon - Gladys and her mother and a minister (Methodist) and his wife and son who had brought them calling because he as a minister had gas, walked in, and we entertained them for an hour. There wasn't much time left to do anything more. This morning I started off again as early as I could, and painted and painted. I enlisted Doris to cleaning up with a razor blade any superfluous paint on the glass of those I did yesterday. We finished all but 6 this forenoon, but my paint ran out then, so I shall have to wait till tomorrow to get some more. It is really an awful job,- fussy, doing all about the sashes. The puttying was bad