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Maud came over with the 2 little boys yesterday P.M. They are growing up fast, the older a nervous, precocious sort, too highly strung to enjoy the vicissitudes of life he has and will go thru. I pitied him. The younger calm and still with baby roundness. They stay alone from 7AM till 6 P.M with Maud up to get their noon lunch, think of it.

Stoughton, Mass.
26 Aug 1942.                          

Dear Sid:

I haven't heard from you for a couple of days and hope the hot weekend wasn't too much for you. It was very disagreeable here and must have been 10 times more so with you. Hope to get a letter tomorrow.

We are still frigid up here. I got a little cold and sniffed all yesterday but am all right today. It has warmed up a little this afternoon.

Yesterday I spent at your house painting mostly. I fixed the kitchen, filling in the holes and painting over the place where the shelves were. Then I went over all the window seals and cross pieces with varnish. And lastly I put plaster of Paris in all the holes on the walls and then with my palette I painted over the holes as near the color as I could get, and I washed the walls where they were smudgy, so it looks fairly well. I didn't do anything to the floors. If I did one, I should have to paint all, and there isn't time for that or strength. I think the place is in pretty good shape.

Today I have stayed home and done house work, and this afternoon pedalled [[pedaled]] over to get a few blueberries, and the last ones. It is a brisk sunny day and I enjoyed being out. I haven't been outdoors much lately. I called a little