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while on Alice Wentworth over in that old house and while I was there, Starry, her youngest son, and his wife, drove up. He has just been given a selective service blank, but not yet called up for physical exam. He has a wife and child 16 years old, but he says that doesn't seem to deter them. He was in the last war and has just passed his 45th birthday.

Doris has been invited to go to Boston tomorrow with Patty, Dr Ewings granddaughter. I saw no way out of letting her go, tho, I think the trip a tiring one. She has been all the afternoon at the Colcord's. Miss Colcord left this afternoon to go to Dover for a few days. She asked me if Miss Atwood had retired yet.. apparently believing it imminent.

The old cat has taken to sleeping under the stove this weather.

We had an air raid rehearsal at 4.30 A.M. with all the steam whistles in town going off at that unearthly hour and blasting again at 15 min. intervals. I don't think anyone was asleep at 5 in this town, and our family didn't sleep after. We could hear the surrounding towns all going off too. It was quite interesting to lie and listen and try to place them. 

Amy called me up last night to say she has heard from Florida and that they can find her a heated house, so she is going the day after Labor Day and is tearing about getting ready. She is coming over before I go, she says, to talk Florida.

Hope to hear from you tomorrow—