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Stoughton, Mass.
Sunday July 1942

Dear Sid:

It has turned warm and muggy here so I suppose you are sweltering again down there. But we did have quite a cool spell and yesterday it poured all day. I think you probably got it too, as there were accounts of floods south in Penn. But today will be all right for your trip.

Mrs Barry is departing tomorrow afternoon. Carita Marden has invited her over there for some days and she is going from there about among her friends, and try to get a vacation.

She was very angry because we all got up this morning at 7 and groused very pugnaciously all thru breakfast. None of us paid any attention, and tho' she has referred to it frequently all day, the atmosphere is a bit clearer. But I guess she will be glad to get away from this early rising family. I won't say further.

Doris was disappointed yesterday because Mabel had company and went to the movies alone, but there was some compensation, — she got in for 11¢! They asked her age, and let her in at 14 years.

Transcription Notes:
the word is 'accounts'--> She meant to say round in the first paragraph but wrote a b instead of a d. I preserved the misspelling.