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Sept 22
Went over Highway 77 section. Joins with cgl[[?]] at base, 8' above it, first Thin bed with Desmorthis. Found Desmorthis through most of The section. Anomolorthis came a little higher but was fairly common through all of the joins. Oil Creek boundary with joins not easy to see but seemed to be a sandy zone. Oil Creek more calcarenite or calcirudite Than Joins.
Anomolorthis common Throughout. A large Orthambonites in Oil Creek not far above contact. Trilobites seen from about middle to top of Oil Creek, Anomolorthis seen to within 50' of the top. A Ctenodonta and occasional other elon [[?]] near top.
McLish sand with fairly common modiolopsid pelecypods. Atelelasma (small), Ptychoglyptus and Orthambonites seen in lower 100 feet of McLish. Did not see the Dorytreta. Small orthoids very common Throughout most of McLish but not identifiable but they might be small Orthambonites, Ptychopleurella or possibly small Mimellas