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[[two columns]]
| ... | [[?]] |
| ? | Witten |
| 60' | Bowen |
| 225' | Wardell |
| 90' | Covered |
| 53' | ... |
| 30' | Benbolt |
| 115' | ... | 
| 175' | Rockdell |
| 60' | Hogskin |
| 55 | Eidson |
| 75'-100' | Elway |
| ? | Marcem |
| ... | Knox |

thickness was not determined. It does not appear to be very thick.

Out on the main road a suspect section has been opened up by the new highway. The Knox is exposed on the north side of the gap produced by the old road. On the south side of the gap the section begins in the Lincolnshire (Eidson). Dinorthis and Sowerbyites appear in the lower part of the cut. The gap made by the old road represents the Elway. The north slope along that old road and the little stream is covered by blocky chert and numerous silicified Dinorthis holdeni. The Elway is estimated to be about 75' to 100'.

The Eidson is a sholy limestone with thick beds of dark cherty limestone. The sholy parts suggest passage to the Blackford type of facies. The Eidson was estimated to be 55 feet.

It contains Plectocamara and Oligorhynchia.

Transcription Notes:
. All paleontology terms found online left side of the page is a drawing that the text is describing. Various named boxes with varying values inside them as follows: