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Dacnis, Mar. 22, 1961, II.


(It may also be significant in this connections that the [[female symbol]] usually utters more CN's than the [[male symbol]] when they are isolated from one another, even when they are moving about equally vigorously.)

I separated the 2 birds again after approximately 1/2 hour.

Dacnis, I. 
April 15, 1961
Cerro Punta

I saw a peculiar incident among some Dacnises this evening. Involving 1 [[male symbol]] Blue Dacnis, 1 [[male symbol]] Scarlet-thighed Dacnis and 1 [[female symbol]] (species unidentified). Chasing one another back and forth, uttering lots of "Tist"s, obviously hostile. In the course of this behavior, the [[male symbol]] Scarlet-thigh [[unclear?]] fly adopted a not very [[extreme?]] ft. Apparently violent.

Dacnis, I
June 7, 1961

Letting the B birds together again, 12:45 p.m.
[[Male symbol]] is in process of eating a meal worm when I remove partition between the 2 birds, so he is coincidentally [[considerably?]] hampered in his movements; but the 2 birds generally behave much as before in similar circumstances. Fly together. Both sing. Both do Bowing - the [[male symbol]] much more than the [[female symbol]]. Their song seem to contain a lot of harsh nasal "Zeewaali" notes (usually at the ends of phrases, I think). Rather reminiscent of HAC notes in tone (and also, to a lesser extent, of the [[Wh]] notes of the Red-legged Blue Honeycreeper).

"Tuli tuli zeewaali zaaauh zaaauh" is one phrase uttered.

Transcription Notes:
- Googled & verified the Dacnis is found in Panama - Verified both spellings of regions in Panama