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Dacnis, Mar. 10, 1962, I (22)

Flitting excitedly from twig to twig, usually only a few inches apart. My attention was first drawn to the birds by hearing a burst of typical songs. When I finally got my glasses on them, they were both Bowing very rapidly. Alternating St and Low Postures like the ones drawn on p. 18. Very regularly and steadily At the same time they uttered a few brief songs and some single "Tsit" Notes; but they were also silent during much of the Bowing. Then both flew off.

August 11, 1962
Base Galeta Island 

4:05 pm. A single ♂ Blue Dacnis flies into top of bare tree. Sits there quite erect. Looking from side to side. Utters "Tseet" Notes steadily; in regular rhythm. "Tseet .... tseet .... tseet .... tseet ...." Quite reminiscent of some RLBH performances