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Anemonops, Jun. 20, 1961, II.

managing n.m! ♂ goes to tree and sings. 6:17

♂ flies from tree to tree, singing at several perches. Also stands from time to time with CR & BF. Does several BW's. Utters some SSN's in CR & BF postures. One ♀ flies to him - and he flies away, immediately, uttering a series of "Tuk" Notes, followed by GHAC 

♀ building pretty steadily. Uttering a little GHAC from time to time.   

Then builds silently for a long time, while male sings (quite a lot of acc's) steadily new ♂ "declines" to SSN-SSN-Chu-SSN-Chu-SSN-SSN type song. ♀ still building energetically 6:35.

Every once in a while the ♂ shuts up, flies away, & disappears. ♀ disappears at same time.  Possibly cops. occur at each time. If so they are probably almost or completely silent.

Pair back. ♀ building ♂ crouched on branch above her, watching her. flight BF. No CR silent New ♂ flew away from ♀ apparently 

This is probably a pre-flight picture. ♂ crouch leg visible (bird presumably tilted to one side)

to feed.  Utters "Ink" notes as he flew away (is this an invitation to the ♀ to follow him?) She continues building. He flies back to previous perch and crouches on before he flies off again, uttering "Ink" Notes again. Again ♀ refuses to follow. So ♂ flies back to her. Both disappear - silently!

♂ back singing in a few minutes. SSN-chu's 7:00

Now very dull, 7:15. ♀ building. ♂ in bushes where she collects on

Transcription Notes:
.[image of bird right facing side view perched on a branch]] ♂♀☿ ϕ