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Auluoupis, Jun 20, 1961, III


all, but not accompanying her to nest. Both birds usually silent. Female [[some etiuees?]] utters a little GHAC when she brings m.m. to the nest site. Neither bird has shown the slightest interest in site A today. There has been no "display” type wrestling with m.m., with [[Chk?]] notes or “Tak”s, away from the nest this morning.  The male, in fact, has shown no interest in m.m. at all today!

The female is still building steadily 7:25. While male sits in tree and utters song comme ca: “SSN  SSN [[...]] SSN  SSN [[...]] SSN  SSN [[...]] SSN ......” This must be very low intensity.

Male chases off juvenile intruder 7:45. Lots of long HAC notes and a few Chk notes during chase (which I couldn’t see). Then male returns, perches, utters SN’s.  Female answers by SN’s.  Male flies to join female.  No GHAC. Both birds out of sight.

Very dull now. 8:00a.m.
Checking nest sites 8:17. Nest at B almost complete, (roof still has a few gaps in it). Can’t see any nest at A.
Leaving 8:25.

Note: If the possible cop. attempts cited above did in fact actually occur today, they probably took place in dense shrubbery at least 3 ft. above the ground. Not in grass.