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Puerto Armuelles July 17, 1967

Wetmore Site. Fall second growth forest. Lots of teak.
See group 2 or 3 Saimiri. 30-40 ft up mixed forest. Quite scattered. Feeding Cecropia, etc. One does brief slight SS to us. All quite silent throughout.
There is a group of 2 squirrels in immediate neighborhood. Apparently melanistic granateusis (blackish tails) from direction of movements, squirrels apparently j -> Saimiri. But then squirrels disappear. Possibly moved on. Saimiri probably do not follow.
This occurred at 10:30. Later, ca 10:44, only a few dozen yards down road, hear Cebus some distance away on other side road. 
Marcel goes into forest to look for Cebus. Finds single individual. Also 4 Saimiri. Saimiri and Cebus approximately 50 m. apart. Saimiri possibly following Cebus!
Some minutes later, we all come across group 6 Cebus. 15-30 ft up in mixed trees and tangles. Group probably includes individual seen by Marcel earlier, but Saimiri are not visible now
NOTE This little forest looks rather like Hacienda Barbascal in the llanos of Colombia.
Stop observations 11:35 am.
Starting again 2:45 pm Same forest. But other side of highway. Very hot and heavy. But no rain yet.