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Puerto Armuelles, July 17, 1967, II  (2)

4:00 pm Back on first side highway.

Armette saw a group of 12 Saimiri crossing over path. Uttering Brr, QM, & MGB type sounds

Marcel and I follow the animals, and catch up with them unexpectedly. Provoke a whole burst of vocalizations. 
Motley QM's at first. Gradually "replaced" by MGB notes (Notes become farther apart as transition occurs. Then become further apart still as MGB's continue). Then animals shut up. 

Then we follow same animals off and on until 5:15 pm. They gradually become more or less used to us. Become less and less (more briefly) vocal each time we catch up with them. 

The first few times we catch up with them, after the first encounter, one or two individuals still utter a few QM's, declining into MGB's. Other individuals just utter MGB's alone. Later on, all individuals utter MGB's alone or remain quite silent.

Obviously, QM's are higher intensity than MGB's. 

They also apparently subserve a slightly different signal function. During the first encounter, with many QM's, the notes were followed by and/or combined with Mobbing. All or most individuals rushed nearer to us. Some came within 10-15 yards And all or most continued to utter QM's while Mobbing continued. (Some also performed SS — see below) Then the Mobbing gradually stopped — and the various individuals involved drifted away (and partly apart) — at the same time that the general transition between QM and MGB occurred. And none of the later encounters provoked Mobbing.