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Puerto Armuelles, July 17, 1967, V (5)

moderately large group of Saimiri at 5:45 pm. Possibly same animals as before.  But I think not.
A few individuals uttered a few MGB's when we first appeared.  But soon stopped. After this, group largely ignored us. But they did utter some more of the high pitched sounds. Mostly same variety heard before.  Possibly some provoked by and/or directed to us.  Possibly some provoked by a "ploy" chase among two Saimiri. 
One individual, at the rear of group, uttered irregular series of whistles [[?]]. Each whistle only moderate length. Not at all plaintive "Seeet..... Seeet... Seeet........ Seeet Seeet Seeet ....... Seeet....." I couldn't tell if these notes were hostile (reactions to us) and/or due to the "fear" of being left behind by the other members of the group.

Then I see that there is a squirrel with this group (too). Another granatensis.  But not melanistic. Gray back and red tail.  Right in middle of group. But silent. And no special, obvious, reaction(s) with any  of the individual Saimiri. 

Nevertheless, it is beginning to look as if there may be a special relationship between this species of squirrel and the Saimiri. If so, the relationship is the exact opposite of that between granatensis and the Pinche!  
In any case, it is fairly obvious that the Saimiri and the Squirrels do not try to avoid one another!
NOTE: the group followed 4:00-5:15 appeared to