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Puerto Armuelles, July 17, 1967, VI (6)

consist of adults and sub-adults only. But Annette saw one infant with group observed 5:45. Being carried high and transversely on parent's back (shoulders).

This would confirm the hypothesis that the two groups really were different (at least different "sub-groups" of one larger group.).
Leaving 6:35 pm.
NOTE: The largest group of Saimiri observed by Marcel and John Oppenheimer in this same forest a few months ago included 33 (!) individuals. So these Central American Saimiri probably are as highly gregarious as the South American ones.

Puerto Armuelles  July 18, 1967

Working same area this morning. Arrive 5:35 a.m. Still quite dark.
6:15 a.m. A fair amount of bird noise But nothing unmistakably monkey-like so far.
See first Cebus (small group) 6:25 Just as rain starts to come down fairly heavily!
6:38. Come across very large group Saimiri. Probably at least 30 individuals. Ranging high in trees 25-40ft up
Spaced as usual 5-30ft apart. A few individuals utter one or two QM's when they first see us. No SS. Notes soon stop. No Mobbing. 

When hear lots of high pitched sounds. Without being able to