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Puerto Armuelles, July 18, 1967, II 

determine who is uttering them or why.

Group as a whole is advancing much more rapidly than yesterday afternoon. Hungrier in the mornings?

6:58. See single Squirrel right in middle of group of Saimiri. "Ordinary phase" granatensis. Sometimes only a few inches or feet from monkeys. But (again) no obvious signalling between species.

See adult Saimiri carrying juvenile which is at least half grown. Longitudinally on back.

Saimiri are eating more Cecropia fruits than yesterday afternoon. Juste comme Saguinus!

Group disappears from view 7:12am

8:06 am. Down by far end of forest. Where it begins to be interrupted by maize fields. Apparently no monkeys here But I do see single Ordinary-phase granatensis. Silent 20 ft up in tree. Apparently quite alone.

NOTE: Marcel followed the group of Saimiri seen earlier. Saw what may have been a cop. attempt. One individual mounting another. In top tree. Too far away to hear sounds.

9:45 am. Back in main part forest. Near road. Come across (more) Saimiri (again). 20-30 ft up in teak. Several individuals come over to "investigate" us. Utter a few QM's as they do so. Then fall silent. Start to turn back. One individual utters 2 MGB's just as it turns away. After this, animals ignore us.

A few seconds later, there are bursts of loud Trill's (TW type) Apparently intra specific signals.

NOTE: Annette saw an Ordinary phase granatensis