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Puerto Armuelles, July 19, 1967, II. 

Probably, there [[checkmark]] never is more than one pair (or family group) of squirrels associated with a group of Saimiri without provoking overt hostilities.  

All the animals more or less ignore us at first. One or two Saimiri utter a few QM's and MGB's. But this does not provoke Mobbing. I.E. a few QM's is not enough (see aho below). Then all animals fall completely silent.

I see that there is some sexual behavior in group. Several apparent mounting attempts which I cannot see at all well. Then one individual half mounts another on a branch which is fairly exposed. Apparently the "mounter" does brief Penile Erection display to "mountee" immediately before mounting. But no SFH or ∞! Slides off almost immediately.

Then I see a "complete" copulation. Male mounts female directly. Apparently no pre-cop display of any type. (But I can't see the tails of either individual). Male seems to clasp female quite high up (just behind her arms) after mounting. Female apparently just sits. As far as I can tell, she does not lower her head very greatly or assumes any very special copulatory position. Male stays mounted for some appreciable time. Makes a great many pelvic thrusts. As far as I can tell, both animals are silent throughout. As the copulation continues, 2 other Saimiri approach the copulating pair. Come very close indeed. Possibly SNF the pair. Copulation probably successful. Then copulating male dismounts. Walks away. Apparently no post-cop display by either male or female. Female just sits for a few seconds after male dismounts. And, immediately, one of the other individuals who had approached,

Transcription Notes:
Unsure on how to transcribe symbols such as the infinity sign and the male and female signs. ∞ ♂, ♀ 2) changed gender symbols to words as per instructions; last word "approached" "proached" on pg 17