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Puerto Armuelles, July 19, 1967, III 

attempts to mount her !!! But she moves off immediately, and the mounter falls off. Attempt obviously unsuccessful.

A few seconds later, in another tree, one individual passes another. And does definite SFH to latter. But then moves on without doing anything more.

NOTE: Copulation occurred in area with fairly dense foliage. And the animals probably were completely invisible from above.

COMMENT: It is beginning to seem very probable that this is one of the species which performs overt sexual behavior comparatively frequently.

Then, a rather large bird (hawk) appears very suddenly and flies (low) past group. Provokes immediate extreme reaction by all the Saimiri. A whole burst of loud L Trll's plus vigorous escape movements. Obviously, this L Trll is very high intensity alarm. Just like Saguinus. But the animals regain confidence almost immediately. Stop L Trll's and don't do anything else.

Then Marcel gradually approaches the group more closely. Maneuvering to shoot one. Several individuals begin to utter QM's quite rapidly. And this does release Mobbing. The whole group approaches Marcel and all the animals begin to utter QM's. (I think that the squirrels remained silent at this stage.)

Then Marcel fires and gets an adult male Saimiri Sound of shot (and sight of falling individual) provokes very intense reaction indeed.

Transcription Notes:
"proached," last part of word on pg.14