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Puerto Armuelles, July 19, 1967, V (15)

But the Trll's always induce vigorous (if brief) escape movements. And it is very obvious that L Trll's are extremely contagious.
Some of the L Trll's may be accompanied by a few 'Tsit" notes. Possibly a "Tsit" is nothing more than a single [[visualization of note]] of a Trll [[visualization of notes]].
The vocal repertory of these Saimiri as a whole will be discussed below.
All the animals gradually drift away ca. 8:00 am.
These Saimiri really are edge animals. We see them along the sides of the road much more frequently than Cebus.
I should also mention that there are many fewer fly catchers here than in an environment such as Ancon Hill. This may help to explain why the Saimiri can "afford" to get up earlier in the mornings than Pinche's (if, in fact, they do do so.)
Some aspects of the vocal repertory of these Saimiri are now clear:
I L Trll's are very high intensity alarm calls. Presumably produced by strong activation E. Relatively very little (or no ????) A. Induce overt escape.
II MGB is only low intensity QM - in causation.
III QM also is "alarm". But probably contains relatively less E than L Trll. I.E. contains more A (or even something else ???) than does Trll.
QM induces retreat in some circumstances, Mobbing