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Puerto Armuelles July 21, 1967, IV 

more than the cebus),

NOTE: Guide tells me that groups of Saimiri often are accompanied by a white hawk, obviously  Ghiesbrecht's, which feeds on the infant monkey!!!!

10:14. Region tall forest over semi-flooded scrub. Come across group of Cebus. 50-75 ft up in trees. Quiet. Apparently alone.

Stopping observations 12:15 pm.

1:40 pm. Passing an overgrown banana plantation, we surprise a group of Saimiri within it. Animals invisible. But they utter a few noises. GM's, etc. They can't be more than 10 ft above ground in this area. 

One of the natives goes in to fire a shot at them. All out of my sight. But apparently they do not react to the shot at all! At least, no outburst of vocalizations.

Then I find that the man has shot a mother with a half grown (or perhaps slightly less) ♂ young! The young is given to me! Seems in fine condition except for a broken and slightly bleeding little finger.

After I get it settled, I start to look for more monkeys.

2:45 pm. Find same group of Saimiri at other edge banana plantation. 10-20 ft up in second growth forest along edge. Now they utter a lot of GM's while regarding us (this probably should not be regarded as "real" Mobbing). Then retreat, still uttering GM's - although less frequently than before. They fall silent without passing through any MGB stage.
Watched the captive young off and on, and irregular 

Transcription Notes:
removed "in" from end of last line- appended to "intervals" at beginning of next page. ♂, ♀