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Puerto Armuelles, July 22, 1967, II

am.  And heard the captive uttering "Last Call" Whistles ("LCW")!  Just like yesterday afternoon-- except that the preponderance of 1, 3, and 5 note series, over 2 and 4 note series, seemed to be somewhat less.  These patterns could not have been responses to vocalizations of other individuals of the same species.

I went to look at the animal immediately.  It was uttering the LCW's from an apparently perfectly unritualized posture.

It stopped within a few seconds after I appeared.  And did not resume even when I left again.  Why?  Was it "satisfied" that it was not really alone anymore?  Or does a slight amount of fear inhibit LCW's, in the absence of sounds of individuals of the same species in the near neighborhood?

I gave this animal more fruit salad at 7:45 am. It fed greedily.  Also uttered one "Tsit" Note and one "Tsee-weet".  Latter presumably lowest intensity version of alarm Till.  Both sounds (again) were quite like those of adults.

12:30 pm.  We transfer the captive into a new and larger cage.  Fortunately, he makes the move himself.  But he gets very excited in the new cage.  Many attempts to escape.  Utters lots of QM's at first.  Quite typical.  Then utters MGB's at a slower rate.  Finally, after a pause, utters one soft "Tsit" Note.  Presumably a nice series of declining intensity!

NOTE:  The people at Playa Bonita said that this animal is more than half grown.  I still doubt it.  But, in any case, he certainly is very active.  And probably quite capable