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Mixed Monkeys, Sept. 24, 196, II 4 4

9:45 am. Hear (but do not see) Titis uttering song nearby. Possibly same inds that sang earlier this morning.
Leaving 10:15 am.
NOTE: Marion has just come back from a small, isolated path of forest, where he found 4 Titis (presumably two families, one of two inds and the other of three inds) and 1 Squirrel Monkey forming one group. Apparently all slept in the same tree. The Squirrel Monkey did not stay as close to the Titis as the latter did to one another.

Mixed Monkeys, I September 26, 1964
Hacienda Barbascal

Trying a new patch of forest, Pintorito, 8:15 am.
Hear Titi songs in distance 8:41 am.
Nothing more until 9:30, when it starts to rain and I leave.
Going to try same forest again this afternoon. Starting 2:30 pm.
According to Maron and Enlinger, the forests around here are essential gallery forests. Certainly, none (not all) of the remaining patities have streams running through them
Nothing seen! Finally leave 5:30 pm.
It certainly looks as if this forest contains fewer monkeys than Monte Seco. Is this correlated with the fact that this forest is very wet - flooded in places - while Monte Seco is dry???