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Fruit Just extracting insects?) Also investigating leaves Taking large insects off them.

Usually moving quite slowly and placidly. Trundling along on larger branches. Quadrupedally. Movements quite like those of captive animals. Tail only semi-raised when walking. Allowed to hang downward while sitting. Animal sits up, manipulates food with both hands simultaneously, before actually feeding. Sometimes hangs downward, holding on with legs alone, in order to secure fruit.

Animal gradually moves on. Then apparently catches sight of us. Becomes very vocal. Whole burst of "grunts." Quite like MGB's of other Platyrrhine. But hoarser and deeper. Also, probably, High Trills. And a lot of Roars Many of these are rather weak and nasal. Transitional to KDC type sounds? Que "Auh"- like.

When I approach animal more closely. It fixates me. Utters more grunts Also Rattles (definite). Then moves off like greased lightning, Utters several grunts, 1 Rattle, 1 Roar (deep + full throated, not at all "auh") as it does so!!!!

Once it started to move away rapidly, animal also began to take massive leaps The local name for the species is "Volador." And I can see why!

Species is hunted quite intensively here. 
This individual certainly was not following the tamarins.