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22  16

sibly) Grunts.

The 2 animals were quite active while vocalizing. Varying from 5 to 30 ft apart.
One animal (gray faced) was much more vocal than the other. Lots of "Rattle" _ Roars. The less vocal animal usually confined itself to "replying" to its mate. Uttering single, not abrupt, "nondescript Grunt-like" sounds. Usually as partner uttered Roar and/or muffled grunt or roar at end of "Rattle." Considerable overlap.

No trace of SS or Tail-lashing. These patterns may be quite lacking in this species.

Light rain starts again 9:32 am. Lasts about a quarter of an hour.

9:55 am. Region of very mixed, largely second growth, forest. See group of tamarins, fascicollis-type. At least 6 individuals. [[left margin]] 5 [[/left margin]] Apparently quite unaware of our presence. Quite silent throughout. Moving thru trees and more or less horizontal tangles of vines. Running and leaping like squirrels and Pinches. Few or no [[?]]-like vertical leaps. (Is such leaping characteristic only of alarm???) Inspecting tree trunks quite attentively. But not, as far as I could tell, digging into them.)
At least one individual had slight, terminal, TR at least part of the time. But there was no trace of Tail-forward or Tip-coiling.

Group as a whole very cohesive. Inds. 3-20 ft apart. NOTE: All the other groups of tamarins I have seen here also have been cohesive, well integrated.