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23  17
ADDITIONS: I forgot to mention that 2 tamarins (belonging to different groups) which we disturbed on previous days performed scratching movements, possibly as displacement, during alarm vocalizations. One scratched tail. The other scratched thigh. Both used hard for scratching.
Also 2 different alarmed tamarins briefly stuck out (pink) tongue at me. Silent. In between alarm vocalizations. No pumping movements.
Go on to 1:20 pm. Without seeing or hearing anything more.
NOTE: Mike was catching bees in the edge of the forest reight beside the Fuica this morning, when he saw 2 monkeys which must have been Lagothrix!!! Apparently a black form. About 40 ft up. Possibly passing from one taller clump of trees to another. Either silent or not saying anything very distinctive.
Going to try again this afternoon. Starting 2:40 pm. Still cloudy. But the sun is trying to shine through. Very hot and airless.
Walk until 5:10 pm, without seeing a single living monkey. In spite of the fact that the weather turned beautiful at the end. 
The situation here is very peculiar in on respect. There are still a lot of guans, tinamou, etc. around. And tracks and traces of peccary, ocelot, paca (sic!). In other words, the hunting pressure, although intense, can hardly be absolutely over whelming. If so, and if the apparent rarity of falsis and tam