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nce either). Animals moving rather slowly along a rather broad front. Several pathways.
Again noticed the prehensility of the tail. Often draped over branches when sitting. Pressed against branches when walking.
Movements in general quite noisy. Animals definitely not aware of our presence. But uttered quite a variety of low intensity vocalizations. More or less steadily. "Squeaks" (short sharp notes?), brief Trills, occasional small Whistles, occasional "Brr" type notes, at least 2 MGB's. No real alarm notes.
In general, running most of the time. Relatively little leaping. Or, at least, most leaps relatively short. Reason why forward progress was slow was that most of the animals spent a lot of time running up and down trees and tangles.
All individuals certainly looking in all directions. Apparently searching for insects. One individual investigated clumps of dead leaves. Another "gnawed" on very thin branches.
In spite of the constant searching, most of the individuals seemed to find very little.
Noisiness of the species might suggest that it is preyed upon less frequently than Sabes.
These Saimiri certainly were the "smooth faced" type.
There were not squirrels (Rodents) with group.
If the resemblances between Saimiri and Cebus are convergent, they could be social mimicry.
1:25 pm. Some distance further on. Come across what seems to be same group of Saimiri. Behaving just as before. Two