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individuals see me at different times.  Perform SS and utter a few "Sneezing-Tsit" Alarm Notes.  But group as a whole does not panic.  I.E. this species is comparatively fearless.  (Note that the Saimiri which panicked this morning were with apella.

Speak of the devil!  The guide sees an apparently single apella just in front of group of Saimiri.  Presumably the vanguard.  Presumably definitely associated with the Saimiri.


And then, almost same place, see Sakis.  Two adults, one carrying infant on back 40-60 ft up.  Group of Saimiri pass right through (some individuals "under") the territory of the Sakis.  Apparently no reactions between Saimiris and Sakis.

But Sakis certainly react to us.  Lots of more or less soft "Rattles".  Also one Grunt.  And one brief Roar.  But nothing more.  Even more shy than usual because of infant ???

I managed to record some of these sounds. Very faintly.


2:55 pm.  Dome distance further on.  See group of 3 adult Sakis in tall trees mixed forest 40-60 ft up.  20-50 ft apart.  Take off immediately. Silently.


Then see that there is a group of 4 tamarins, fusciollis, 75 ft away from Sakis.  In same scrub, 20-40 ft up.  Just possibly following Sakis.  Give lots of Alarm Calls.  Mostly LSN's and Trills.  I get some of these on tape.

Finally leave forest at 4:05

SUMMARY:  There certainly are plently of monkeys around here.  Perhaps as dense as on BCI.