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causally related.

June 10, 1968

 Going to work in same forest as yesterday afternoon.  Start out 6:00 am.  It poured rain last night.  Forest is very wet.  It also looks as if it is going to rain again at any minute.  Everything quiet.

  6:30 am.  Region of tall second growth.  See pair of Sakis 40-60 ft up.  Probably a pair counted earlier.  One utters "Rattles", "Rattle" -- muffled roar or grunt series, one or two Roars, a very few grunts.  Record these.  All Roars are of very "breathy" type.  Is this comparatively low intensity?  

  Rain starts to come down in sheets -- a real tropical downpour ca 6:50 am.  Continues for a long time.  Finally stops 8:15 am.  Sun trying to break through.  But forest, of course, is dripping.

  8:35 am.  Region very mixed forest.  See group of 4 (or possibly even 5) Sakis.  50-60 ft up in tall trees.  All quite close together!  10-20 ft apart.  Going in slightly different directions.  Look as if they were "scattering" out from some shelter in which they had taken refuge during the storm.

  Possibly this species does have a social structure like Ateles!  Groups and sub-groups.

  I notice that at least one of the animals appears to be very bedraggled indeed.  I.E. the long fur is by no means