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perfect protection against rain.
When the animals were unaware of our presence, they moved quite slowly and cautiously. Usual position of tail. They when one see us, it leaps away. Also silently.
Leave this path of forest 9:15 am. Go on to "vega" where Callicebus are supposed to occur. Arrive 9:30 am. 
Finally hear Callicebus songs 9:51 am. Far away. In very low scrubs presumably over swamp. 6 or 7 phrases. All complete. Beginning with "Chuck" notes. Obviously by two individuals.
NOTE: According to guide, no other species of monkey (not even fuscicollis) is found in vega forests with the Callicebus.
Stop observations 10:00 am.
COMMENT: I have assumed that the absence of stereotyped "Lost Calls" in Callicebus, Ateles, and Pithecia may be a valid indication of relationship between these genera. This may be correct. And the possession of a "flexible" group - subgroup type of usual organization may be another, similar, indication of relationship. But it also is possible that the presence or absence of a lost call is a superficial adaptation. It may be lacking when individuals stick close together and/or don't often mind being separated.
Where does Saguinus fuscicollis fit into this scheme???
Starting out again this afternoon. On the way to the vega again