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Saimiri and 1 apella behind. Apella sits on palm frond for at least 10 minutes. Eating something very steadily. Probably a palm nut. Generally quiet. Once utters burst of "multiple note lost call." Also one screech - Trill, apparently directed toward some other individual approaching. Then more "multiple note lost calls." Which are answered by similar calls in distance. 

All this time, the apella is sitting 25-30 ft up. Then it climbs down to base of palm frond, to top of trunk, picks up several objects in mouth. Apparently more palm nuts. Climbs back up frond. Sits on frond. Eats nuts. Manipulating them with hands before chewing. Then moves on. Disappears from my view.

But both Saimiri and apella still around in neighborhood 7:27. Can hear a few low intensity miscellaneous sounds of both. 

In general, this group is much quieter than some of the ones I observed in June. 

7:35. Can confirm that it was palm nuts that this apella was eating. Seen lot of broken nuts on ground underneath tree.
NOTE: As far as I could tell, none of the Saimiri tried to get nuts from the palm. Nuts are fairly large. And tough shelled. 

A few minutes later, see same apella 40-50 ft up in dicot. 

7:40. Some yards further on, see single