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10:13 am. Much further on. Come across group of Spider Monkeys. Usual local type. Apparently 4 inds. In taller and larger trees area of very mixed forest. 30-60 ft up. Quite scattered. Also quite solent. Apparently quite alone. Move off immediately with great crashing of branches.

Stop observations 11:45 am

COMMENTS: Monkeys in general do not seem to be much more abundant than in areas nearer Valpanaiso. But the relative abundance of species seems to be quite different here. Possibly forest as a whole ist oo mature for fails (and fusicollis?) to be numerous???

I wonder how Woollies and Spiders segregate themselves?

NOTE: According to the guide we have now, the "Tanques" (Cebus albifrons) associate with the Saimiri-appela groups. But he may be wrong. Viz comments by Aristides in June. And also absence of Tanques with group seen this morning.

COMMENTS: In the course of this morning's walk, we also saw peccaries, a pair of trumpeters, lots of caracaras, and a tamandua. Plus tapir tracks. This means that hunting pressure cannot be every strong here. Which means, in turn, that the monkeys which are rare here are "really" rare - not just partly exterminated by man. (Only probable exception to this rule is the Red Howler. They would appear to be remarkably rare here. We have yet to hear any.)