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  9:15 am. Region of very mixed vegetation.  Clearing.  Second growth.  Tangles.  Large, tall, old trees.  See group 20-30 Saimiri.  Quite coherent.  15-40 ft up.  Give usual alarm reactions.  Lots of "Tsit" Notes (LSN's).  Then 5 apella adults show up.  One adult is carrying small young on back.  Several adults do SS.  Probably silent apella are 50-70 ft up in big trees.  Saimiri leave soon.  apella stay behind for a few minutes.  Then go too.  Probably following Saimiri.  

  NOTE:  This Saimiri-apella group probably the same one seen yesterday.  Areas not far apart.

  Rain stops ca 9:35 am.

  10:17 am.  Region of mature forest.  Come across group of 5 fuscicollis (good count).  High in trees.  Ca 50-60 ft up.  Utter lots of LSN's and Trills.  Then move off rapidly.  Squirrel-like leaps.

  These animals definitely quite alone.

  11:25 am.  Region of rather broken mature forest.  See group of 6 (definite) Sakis.  Descending vertically, head first, down thin palm stem.  30-40 ft up.  At least one is young (1/3 grown?).  All animals quite close together.  All move off in same direction.  All silent while visible.  But then I think that I hear one brief roaring sound after they have disappeared.

  Rain starting again 11:30 am.  But doesn't develop very much.  And soon stops.

  11:41 am.  Region of good mature forest.  Come across large group of Woolly Monkeys.  10 adults and sub-