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erable distance farther on.  See single Saki 40 ft  up.  Running along palm frond.  Then leaps into adjacent dicot and disappears.  Apparently quite alone.  Certainly quite silent.

  This species seems to be quieter here and now than it was near Valparaiso in June!

  9:25 am.  Region of very mixed forest.  Some tall trees.  Mixed second growth.  Come across group of fuscicollis.  5 inds.  Apparently all adult.  Group coherent.  When first seen, quite low in scrub.  Then, when they see us, they run up 20-30 ft high in small trees.  Lots of alarm reactions.  Then they gradually move off.  And go lower in vegetation as they do so.  15-20 ft up.  Mostly by squirrel-like running and leaping.  They pass thru  a palm tree as they go.  But this palm is festooned with epiphytes and banas.  They avoid all the true palm fronds.  Except for one ind. who slides down a vertically hanging dead frond. 

  The alarm reactions included the usual TR and extreme "Tail-curving" (sometimes tail curved without the base being brought far forward - sometimes curving accompanied by real Tip coiling, sometimes not).  No trace of any other Ruffle.  But definite SS.  Extreme but possibly unritualized.  Usually takes the form of one extreme movement to one side - variable pause - and then an extreme movement to the other side.  Rhythm certainly not stereotyped.

  Accompanying vocalizations included lots of LSN's.  Especially when alarm most intense.  Also lots of Trll's especially as alarm starts to die down.  Also a few brief and very