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one Cebus with the Saimiri. Apparently on flank of group.

NOTE: This area cannot be more than 1/4 - 1/2 mile from where apella (or apella-albifrons) seen earlier. Possibly the whole "assemblage" is connected somehow. Possibly one very large mixed band has spread out in the heat of the mid day sun??

These Saimiri inds. certainly are not the same as those seen nearer camp on previous days.

Starts to cloud over 1:15 p.m. Everything quiet now.

1:45 p.m. Sun out again. Region of what likes dense, old second growth. Lots of their trees. Come across group of 3 fuscicollis. Rather far (10 yds) apart from one another. 20-25 ft up. See us first and perform usual alarm reactions. Curved tail complex, LSN's and Trll's. Notice the mouth is opened widely during both LSN's and Trll's. I presume that tongue is pink, but this is not conspicuous. Open mouth looks dark.

One ind. makes Indris-like vertical jumps back and forth between two trees during alarm displays.

Inds. of this species can go down vertical trunks either head first or tail first. The latter may be most characteristic of alarm.

2:05 p.m. Only a few hundred yards further on, over grown clearing in same forest, see large group Saimiri Rattier scattered. Many individuals feeding, but group making no forward progress at all. Many inds. inspecting leaves. One apparently eating very small brownish fruits. Inds. very quiet when we first approach. A few single Brrr's, Squeals, Whistles (and pro 

Transcription Notes: