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ritualized per se. 

2:58 pm. Passing thru forest. See single toucan, same species seen yesterday, definitely alone

Stop observation 4:00 pm.
COMMENT: Today was another example of the discouraging effect of rain. Presumably all or most of the monkeys still feed on rainy days. But they sure as hell don't move much.

ADDITION: Lisa stayed in camp again today. And she saw one group of 3 fuscicollis at the edge of the camp clearing. 

Semptember 12, 1968
La Deseo

Start out 6:10 am. Shy overcast, but it doesn't look particularly like rain. 

Walk a long distance. Then 7:55 am., see group of at least 10 Cebus albifrons. Region of very mixed second growth Including lots of small dense trees and a few very tall ones (including one tall palm). Group includes at least 2 rather large, independent, juveniles. Group not very coherent. Inds. often 20-50 ft apart Not making rapid progress in any given direction. But obviously distracted by our presence.
Inds. often make long leaps. Such movements are quite noisy. Also run along branches. And along queues of palm fronds. Species looks very lightly built, delicate and long-limbed. Usually seem to use their tails for support rather less frequently than apella (or, probably, even capucinus) 

Transcription Notes:
.transcribed first word complete from previous page, as per instructions