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Inds also are very light and dull in color. 

(After seeing these animals, I am convinced that the ind. which I saw with the apella group two days ago probably was not an albrifrons.)

We see only one individual actually feeding. Small green and purple berry like fruits. (Some collected for John) Another ind. was seen to "inspect" leaves in a very Saimiri-like fashion. 

Group as a whole moderately noisy. Lots of single notes. The great majority certainly MGB's. But quite distinctive in quality. Rather high pitched. And very plaintive in tone. Many of the MGB's could, conceivably, be transcribed by something like "Oof" or "Eef".

I think that the animals were uttering a lot of MGB's before they became aware of our presence. When one or two did suddenly catch sight of us, they uttered one or two single AlB's. Very capucinus-like. AlB's associated with very slight Jud movements (or intention movements). Also some very slight SS. AlB's uttered with MO and not very extreme PL.

After animals become aware of our presence, they also direct quite a lot of MGB's toward us. Also with MO and PL PL possibly even less extreme than that associated with AlB's. 

The animals even keep MO (possibly without PL) between notes when quite silent. 

I hear one very brief Trill at one point. But can't tell who is uttering it. Or why.

One ind., after directing AlB and MGB's toward us, 

Transcription Notes: