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performs brief "displacement" hand scratching.

Group stays around for over 15 mins. Then moves off quite silently.

Species definitely alone.

Sun is more or less shining by 9:00 a.m. Very hot and airless. Forest as a whole very quiet. 
9:10 am. Region mature forest. With a few small overgrown clearings scattered about. See groups of Samiri and apella. At least 6 apella (all adult?) and an uncounted but large number of Saimiri.

Group as a whole quite dispersed. Individuals often 30-50 ft apart from one another. But certainly not always (see below). When first seen most of the apella were in 4 or 5 semi-adjacent trees. While most of the Saimiri were over to one side. But then the two species mingle completely. Saimiri among apella, and apella among Saimiri. Some following. Apparently quite reciprocal.  Once, a single apella and a single Saimiri sit only 6" apart from one another for several seconds.  With absolutely no overt indicator of hostility!!!

Although most of the animals are in constant movement, the group as a whole is quite stationary. No forward progress.

The Saimiri are absolutely silent. But once there is brief Screeching during an apparently intraspecific dispute. The apellas are almost as quiet. Utter a very few single MGB's (more capucinus-like than those of albrifrons). Also a few undistinguished "Yuk"-type Notes. And then, 

Transcription Notes:
.last syllable carried to next page to complete word per Smithsonian