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Vega. Resonating - Pumping. Apparently answered by another nearby ind. Pumping "greeting"?

Then we sit quietly in Vega, hoping monkeys will come to us. 

NOTE: There are chachalacas in neighborhood. Being very noisy. But they do not provoke any sounds by the titis. 

NOTE: These animals seem very shy. Quite unlike the Barbaxal animals. But I should doubt if they were hunted. 

Possibly they can "afford" to be shy simply because they have so much room to move around us? Population seems to be quite sparse here. 

Go on looking for titis in same vega, without success until 10:20 am. Drizzles of rain start ca 9:50. Now going to another area where Mauricio said that there were titis last June.  

No luck there either! Finally stop observations 11:20, where rain starts to pour. 

COMMENT: Perhaps I should specify the difference between a "Salado" and a "Vega" here in more detail. 

A Salado is a small marsh in a forest. Near the head of a stream. Water is not deep. Only a few inches, at least in most areas. Also stretches of more or less exposed mud. Salados are surrounded by high forest, but the vegetation in the marsh trilf in low, aroids, ferns, small palms, etc. Not a forest, or even a thicket, in any sense of the words. Presumably the water in all or most salados is fresh but more or less heavily mineralized.