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Hot, cloudy, and airless.

2:43 pm. Region very mixed forest. Lots of tall old trees. Also lots of clearings and understory. See groups of fuscicollis. Apparently 5 inds. When first seen 20-25 ft up. Give usual alarm reactions. Rather low intensity. But include at least 2 or 3 Whistles. Then run off silently. Moving at very different levels at different times. 6-100 (sic!) ft up. Quite silent during escape. Lots of squirrel-like leaps. Some very long. Longer than any of geoffroyi. Perhaps up to 20-30 ft!

Stopping observations 4:40pm. It has been pouring rain for a half hour now. 

September 14, 1968

It poured rain last night, but it is clearing up at dawn. Going to work other side of river. 

6:30am. Pass a patch of tall (imported?) bamboo Aristides says that Callicebus lives in this bamboo and is adjacent patch of tall forest. This certainly is on dry ground. 

6:45. Reach small patch of wood running between cuttwated fields. Some tall trees ca 60 ft. Also lots of smaller trees and a great many tangles of vines. Titis are supposed to live here. And the general effect is very much like Socay Forest at Barbaseal. Again ground is perfectly firm, and as dry as any in the region!

NOTE: The bamboo in which titis occur here is 

Transcription Notes:
. inds. = individuals