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This patch of forest is very much like both Socay at Barbascal and the one we passed there earlier this morning. But it also includes a few taller trees. 60-80 ft. All large trees festooned with tangles. 

According to Aristidis, there also are Red Howlers in this particular patch of forest. (Altho not in the similar patch passes there earlier). At least from time to time. He says that howlers can occur in the exact same trees as the titis. But not at the exact same times. 

NOTE: The population of titis here seems to be quite dense. But probably not quite as much so as in Socay forest itself. It certainly is apparent, nevertheless, that this general type of vegetation is more optimal for titis than is swamp forest. 

Rain stops 9:30am. But then starts again 10:20am., and we stop observations. 

COMMENTS: Titis seem to prefer even denser vegation than do tamaruis. Rather surprising in view of the differences in size between the two types of monkeys. 

Aristides did not mention Salus in connection with this forest. Are they really absent? If so, why? Are the taller trees not continuous enough???

Going to work again this afternoon. In patch of forest rather far behind INCORA. Where I did not work, or worked only very briefly, in June. Looks not unlike "landing field forest". Start 2:15pm. Cloudy but dry (so far)

3:25pm. Area of rather young second growth.