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According to Sulvibringer Jr., the Saguinus species sometimes occurs in exactly the same woods as the Pygmies. (Including the wood we visited today) But it is much more of a traveller. Or, at least, no group of tamarin is confused to as small a patch as some or all groups of Pygmies. When the patches of woods are small, the tamarins go from wood to wood. 

El Pepino
September 18, 1968

Going to look at some forest above campomento this morning. Cloudy. Arlens. Occasional light rain. 

According to Sulvibringer the local Night Monkeys are often found in dead trees in pastures!

8:15 am. Reach patch of forest in which presumed Callicebus torquatus have been seen.

According to F, the torquatus are supposed to sing just before main.

8:30. F catches glimpse of monkey leaping in low scrub next to path. Unfortunately, not identified. 

He says that he has seen torquatus in this exact same area. Ranging thru a considerable variety of heights above ground. 

Also. We catch glimpse of monkey(s) moving through scrub and trees. 8-20 ft above ground.  Apparently a tamarin. Can't get clear view. One  ind. utters triplet