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Whistles Not very plaintive. Otherwise silent. I think, but am not certain, that there were 2 inds. in this group. 

J.E. (again) stereotyped series of Whistles probably are not “real” LW in the geoffrogi sense. 

So it looks as if the local tamarin overlaps torquatus as well as Cebuella. 

NOTE: Vegetation here is what I would call “upper tropical” or “lower subtropical”. Distinctly different from lowlands. Vert mixed. Obviously largely second growth. All stages of early-middle succession. Plus a few scattered large trees which may be relicts of old forest. Most of it vert dense indeed,

According to F, Cebuella does not occur in this particular forest.

Walking further along road, F points out several more places where he has seen torquatus. All more or less second growth 15-40 ft up. Ge also has seen them eating fruits. Says that they are not shy.

9:15. Come across pair of monkeys. Apparently torquatus. At oeast vert dark. Byt not seen very well. Both inds. 40 ft up. One feeding on palm nuts. Perched in palm shelf. Another very close in nearby dicot. Move off quite silently.

NOTE: This is area of mature or semi-mature forest. Not very dense.

Sun is shining quite brightly now. 

A few minutes later, catch brief glimpse of one