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Only Cebuella is not molested.
Finally, he says that Cebus apella often comes down to the ground. Old males get in disputes with house hold dogs! He does not, however, remember them making knocking sounds like the apella of the Caquetá.
The altitude here is posted as 1050 m. The area where we worked this morning is at least several hundred feet higher.
Going to look for Pygmy Marmosets this afternoon. Same place as yesterday. Arrive patch woods 3:50 p.m. Cloudy, hot, airless, quiet.
Find tree with holes. Holes are scattered all over trunk. Usually 4"-12" apart.
4:00 p.m. See single Pygmy on hole tree. Clinging vertically to trunk ca. 15 ft. up. Apparently silent. Quite motionless for over 5 mins. Except for many turnings of head. Spends a lot of time looking at me. But also looks up, down, and all around. Looking for predators? I think that this constant looking about probably is characterist of all [?] of the species.
Tail is kept pressed against trunk. Sort of diagonally semi-curled around curve of trunk. This also is characteric. [?] of this species seldom (or never?) allow tail to hang down freely. Obviously a protective device. (And note that the tail of the species is comparatively short.)
Species is really very cryptic in coloratino.
Sam [?] still sitting same place 4:12. This is a