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  Go for another little walk, down road. Light rain starts 5:10 pm.
  Back to hole tree. There is a single Pygmy there. Apparently alone. Apparently silent. This definitely is not the ind. which was at the same tree earlier. The earlier one had conspicuous black stripes at rear of body. This ind. has no visible stripes on body at all. (I.E. there is [[underline]] considerable [[\underline]] morphological variation in this species.)
  Visits hole after hole. Obviously tries to get "muzzle" [[underline]] as far into hole as possible [[\underline]]. General effect of "straining". Sometimes visits to holes are accompanied by fairly conspicuous head movements which could (seen from the rear) be either gnawing or licking.
  Ind. proceeds from bottom to top of tree. Gradually circling trunk (in spiral). Only occasional minor reversals of upward movement. This also seems to be typical. All the other inds. which I have seen visit the tree have gone essentially from the bottom or rear bottom upward.
  As far as my observations this afternoon are concerned, they would suggest that inds. of a single group of this species can be at least moderately [[underline]] dispersed [[\underline]]. I have seen no signs of movement anywhere near the inds. on the hole tree.
  This ind. does not seem to be bothered by light rain. But I am not sure that rain has yet penetrated the canopy above it.
  Stopping observations 5:20 pm.
  CORRECTION. The altitude here at the camp